The residents of a scrappy seasonal trailer park reveal the secrets to a rich life as market forces threaten their shabby Shangri-La.
In a waterfront campground off the coast of Virginia, tenants live spitting distance apart in rows of ramshackle RVs. Inlet View has horrific roads, questionable septic and feral cats, but how its residents see life makes them the luckiest people in the world.
Beneath a few white trash stereotypes lies an improbable utopia where loneliness and isolation are inconceivable. People take time to visit. They mow each other’s lawns and look out for each other’s kids. There are no rules and no judgments. Everyone is welcome.
The renters realize their affordable paradise is poised to become a playground for the beautiful people. The location is spectacular. Dolphins swim just offshore. Pelicans glide past the prettiest sunsets anywhere. Its assets read like an overwritten real estate brochure.
And yet, the real magic of Inlet View is the people – kindred spirits who look past its obvious flaws to be part of something bigger than themselves. Over the years, the campers and their trailers have grown deep roots. As rumors circulate that the property is for sale, it’s only a matter of time before they lose their place in the sun.
The affluent crowd that moves in will never be as wealthy.