Geeta Gandbhir started her career in narrative film under Spike Lee and Sam Pollard, after working for eleven years in scripted film, she branched into documentary film. As Director she recently released the series “Born in Synanon” for Paramount, and her short film “How We Get Free” for HBO has been shortlisted for an Academy Award™. She also recently directed and show-ran a 4 part series for HBO titled “Black and Missing” which won a 2022 Independent Spirit Award for Best Documentary Series, and a Cinema Eye Honors for Best Series. She also recently directed a film called “Apart” with Rudy Valdez for HBOMax which won a 2022 Emmy Award. Her 2020 short film with Topic Studios “Call Center Blues” was shortlisted for a 2021 Academy Award™, and she directed an episode of the five-part series of “The Asian Americans” for PBS, which won the 2021 Peabody Award. In 2016 her feature documentary, “Prison Dogs,” which she co-directed with Perri Peltz, premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival, and her film “A Journey of a Thousand Miles: Peacekeepers” which premiered at the 2015 Toronto Film Festival and later aired on PBS as part of the series “Women, War and Peace”. She also co-directed and co-produced the series “A Conversation on Race” with The New York Times Op-Docs, which won an Online Journalism Award for Online Commentary, an AFI Documentary Film Festival Audience Award for Best Short and garnered a MacArthur Grant. She was also a co-producer on the HBO film “The Sentence”, directed by Rudy Valdez which won a 2019 Primetime Emmy. As Editor, her films won two Emmy Awards, 4 Peabody Awards, and one Academy Award™.