Lauren Wimbush is a filmmaker and archival researcher dedicated to telling compelling and thought provoking non-fiction stories featuring underrepresented characters, communities, and experiences. Lauren has contributed to a range of feature documentaries and long form television projects for networks such as Hulu, OWN, PBS, BET, and ABC News. Lauren served as the Associate Producer on the Emmy Award winning feature Miles Davis: Birth of The Cool, produced by Firelight Films. She served as the Co-Producer on The American Dream & Other Fairy Tales, a feature documentary produced by Fork Films which premiered at the 2022 Sundance Film Festival. Her current projects include a short for MTV Documentaries and a docuseries for NBC News Studios. Lauren received her B.A. degree in English from Amherst College, and an M.S. degree in Media Management from The New School, specializing in producing and media business and leadership. She is a proud member of Brown Girls Doc Mafia, New York Women in Film, and the Documentary Producers Alliance. A Dream Displaced is her directorial debut.